Xtras & Add-On Options

Additional Page: $125

One size doesn’t fit all! If one of our packages doesn’t meet your needs or your business is growing, no worries, we can always add additional pages and integrate them into the existing website.

Portfolio: $75

This is a very visual business and sometimes just one gallery isn’t enough. Over time after many photo-shoots and it may make sense to create a multi-gallery portfolio.

Static Banner: $60

Any size static banner.

Animated Banner: $100

Any size animated (2 slides) banner.

Additional Video: $75

Video is VERY hot right now and only getting hotter. Adding additional videos is no problem. You must however host your video on a external video service such as Vimeo or Youtube.

Misc Scripts or Apps: $50

Calendar, Twitter Follow-me, Twitter Feed, Booking Form, Password Access, Mailing list, Picture Watermark

Website Maintenance: $150/hour

While you are welcome to maintain your own escort website using our user-friendly FREE CMS tool, we understand you don’t always have the time to do so and will gladly do it for you for a nominal fee. In addition, we can provide support and maintenance on websites that we did not build. We are very familiar with the VedaCMS tool created by Veda Designs and currently maintain such websites.

Design Credit Removal $100

I reserve the right to include a design credit link in the footer area (or a banner on links page) on every website I design. A surcharge is required to have it removed.

Removal from Portfolio: $75

Similar to the design credit above, showcasing samples of my work is an key part of how I generate new business. As such, I would like to display a link to your website from mine and/or include a screenshot of your website in my portfolio.


Rush Job: Add $400

While I plan and schedule carefully, I sometimes have a waiting list. That said, if you are in a rush and I can reschedule other projects, I may be able to move you to the top of the list.

Enhanced Security: Add $150/yr

Safety is always a concern. I offer an enhanced security platform that monitors your website 24x7x365 and prevents hacking and can block access by Country (ex. Russia) and/or IP address.

Domain Unlock: Add $50

While I do my best to maintain productive working relationships and outstanding service, sometimes customers want to move on. If I have anonymously registered a domain name for you, I will gladly unlock your domain and prepare it for transfer to another registrar. The fastest and easiest way transfer, is it to push it to an account at Namecheap.com.